Having taken 5 Players to 10 European Open Tour victories & 1 to Ryder Cup success, Paul Foston has launched an Instructional App enabling every Golfer to enjoy First Class Coaching at an affordable price.
"With over 40 years experience teaching Golf, I have designed this App for Players of all levels from Beginner to Professional to equip you with all the tools to execute every shot you will experience on course. There are also categories on Gapping, Course Strategy & Developing Mental Strength.
This App will enable you to be the best you can be. With a Pro in your pocket, you can study at home, on a commute, on a flight. You can take me to the practice ground and it will give structure to your practice sessions. The App will also be a "Go To" Guide & Troubleshooter when your game goes awry and it will last your Golfing Lifetime. Above all, with study and practice, you can lower your Handicap!
Golf is a sport that you can play throughout your entire life so it is important to play to the best of your ability to ensure long term enjoyment, success and satisfaction from your game". PAUL FOSTON
"To get every Golfer playing to the best of their ability
and with this App, you can!" PAUL FOSTON
See What The Tour Players & Clients Are Saying!

"So, What's In The App"?
First Class Coaching that will last your Golfing Lifetime.

The Pre Shot Routine
4 Videos - Runtime 17:46
- Forming The Perfect Grip 5:22
- Aim, Alignment & Ball Position 3:41
- Set Up With An Athletic & Balanced Posture 4:44
- Bag Position, Visualisation &
One Focused Practice Swing 3:59

Perfect Your Putting
6 Videos - Runtime 32.08
- The Key Fundamentals 5:59
- The Crucial 4 Foot Putt 3:06
- The Importance Of Good Speed 7:32
- Develop Good Tempo - Think 1, 2 - 5:16
- Reading Greens & Sloping Putts 5:15
- Alternative Putting Grips 5:00

The Art of Chipping & Pitching
8 Videos - Runtime 42.31
- Develop The Stock Chip To Chip Low & Pitch High 7:59
- Visualisation Aids Club Selection 4:06
- Think Clock Face To Regulate Distance 5:59
- 30 - 40 Yards 4:06
- The Intrepid Lob Shot 4:24
- Awkward Lies
- From The Semi & Deep Rough 4:32
- The Downhill Lie & The Bare Lie 5:50
- The Versatility Of The Hybrid 5:08

Master The Bunkers
12 Videos - Runtime 49.39
- How to Execute The Perfect Bunker Shot 8:04
- Around the 'D' 5:06
- Escaping The Deep Bunker 6:05
- Playing From The Fairway Bunker 3:52
- The 30 - 40 Yard Bunker Shot 3:25
- Awkward Lies
- The Fried Egg 3:20
- The Plugged Lie 3:35
- The Uphill Lie 2:59
- The Downhill Lie 3:10
- Sidehill Lies - Ball Above Feet 3:14
- Sidehill Lies - Ball Below Feet 2:41
- The Compacted Lie 4:08

Formula For The Full Swing
6 Videos - Runtime 31:04
- The Takeaway 5:15
- How To Set The Club Correctly For The Perfect Backswing 3:51
- The Transition From The Backswing To The Downswing 4:00
- Impact & Follow Through 5:10
- Technology Accelerates Learning 7:16
- Understanding Swing Plane 5:32

The Big Hitters
5 Videos - Runtime 20:03
- Introducing The Woods & Hybrids 3:28
- The Driver Off The Tee 5:45
- Playing Woods From The Fairway 3:39
- Playing The Hybrid From The Rough 3:12
- Improve Your Long Iron Play 3:58

Course Strategy
4 Videos - Runtime 14:07
- Good Scores Are Achieved With Wise Decisions 6:28
- Playing From The Deep Rough 3:08
- Faced With The Trees 2:18
- Developing Mental Strength - My 10 Commandments 21:13

Shape Your Shots
8 Videos - Runtime 30.23
- How To Draw 4:08
- How To Fade 2:30
- Hit High 2:34
- Hit Low 3:08
- Playing Into The Wind 5:54
- Sloping Lies - Uphill & Downhill 4:17
- Sloping Lies - Ball Above & Below Feet 3:53
- Playing From A Divot 3:59

Faults & Fixes
9 Videos - Runtime 35.58
- How The Push & The Hook Are Linked 5:16
- How The Pull & The Slice Are Linked 3:56
- The Dreaded Shank 3:17
- The Skyed Tee Shot 2:51
- Improve Your Weight Transfer To Gain Distance 3:41
- Eliminating The Fat 2:43
- The Embarrassing Top 3:46
- Curing The Early Hit - How Casting From The Top Loses Distance 6:09
- Strong & Weak Grips 4:29

Getting To Know Your Distances
3 Videos - Runtime 2:51
- Club Selection - What's In The Bag 1:39
- Understanding Gapping - Introduction 1:12
- Gapping Presentation